• Fresh Ingredients
    Tasty Food
  • Fresh Ingredients
    Tasty Food
  • Fresh Ingredients
    Tasty Food

About Us


Our Brand is Inspired by the Famous tale of “Aladdin“ from the folk tales of “Arabian Nights “. He is the eponymous character very successful in life, supported by the Magical lamp and the Genie who was his loyal servant and made him a winner.

Our Chef is the Genie in real life who prepares Magical dishes from Aladdin’s Kitchen a full range representing Arabic, Turkish, Persian, and Indian cultures.

We offer to our customers Aladdin’s cuisine which he patronised in his lifetime and is now presented in Singapore to add a whole new dimension to your gastronomical experience.

We introduce in Singapore this divine combination of kebab wraps and grill located at Sandpiper hotel @ 63 Dunlop street, Singapore 209391.

At Aladdin, we serve with magical touch and taste of Aladdin times… in all options of Dine -in and enjoy an Evening on the Happening Dunlop Street or Order your Takeaway with Home Delivery.

OUR offices

Get in touch with us

63 Dunlop St, Singapore 209391
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door steps!
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delivered right away!
Best Taste
We use best ingredients to
cook the taste food.
Variety of
We give variety of dishes,
deserts, and drinks
Plan your parties and pre-order
your sumptuous meals with us!

Check out our online menu!